![Hero Image](/academics/chemistry/graduate/Graduateoverview.png)
Current Students
Degree Requirements
Master of Science in Chemistry
MS students must meet the general degree requirements for the Master of Science degree at New Mexico Tech. In addition, a minimum of 12 credit hours of 500‐level chemistry courses are required. CHEM 529 and 530 do not count towards this requirement. Additionally students must take 6 credit hours at the 300, 400, or 500‐level and above from other departments. The student should consult with their committee and advisor when developing a course plan. Refer to the Graduate Handbook for more details.
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Students of exceptional ability may pursue a program leading to the doctoral degree. The prospective doctoral candidate will develop a broad background in chemistry and related fields and prove his or her ability to do independent research. An early assessment of the student’s ability is achieved in the candidacy examination to be completed by the end of the second year. Research in Chemistry is focused on environmental and human health related topics. Interdisciplinary programs with other science departments, such as Physics, Biology, or Earth and Environmental Science can be pursued. Ph.D. students must meet the general degree requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree at New Mexico Tech as well as the requirements listed below. Refer to the Graduate Handbook for more details.
No Prior Master’s Degree
A minimum of 52 credit hours is required. These hours are distributed as follows: 500‐level chemistry courses 21 cr hrs minimum, CHEM 529, 530 (Seminar) 2 cr hrs, COMM 575, CHEM 555 (Proposal Writing) 5 cr hrs, CHEM 595 (Dissertation) 24 cr hrs Students may substitute up to 6 credit hours of courses at the 300‐level and above from other departments. Additional 500‐ level courses from other departments may be used in place of 500‐ level chemistry courses, upon approval of student’s advisory committee. Refer to the Graduate Handbook for more details.
Prior Master’s Degree in Chemistry
A minimum of 40 credit hours is required. These hours are distributed as follows: 500‐level chemistry courses 9 cr hrs minimum CHEM 529, 530 (Seminar) 2 cr hrs, COMM 575, CHEM 555 (Proposal Writing) 3 cr hrs, CHEM 595 (Dissertation) 24 cr hrs Students may substitute up to 3 credit hours of courses at the 300‐level and above from other departments. Additional 500‐level courses from other departments maybe used in place of 500‐level chemistry courses, upon approval of student’s advisory committee. Refer to the Graduate Handbook for more details.
1. Course credit hours
2. Seminar credit hours
3. Seminar presentations
4. Research credit hours
5. Dissertation credit hours
6. Dissertation defense